Still Life with Bird and Rabbit, 2017
Charcoal and Pastel on Cartridge Paper 42 x 59.3cm
An exploration of movement in a still life drawing. The subject matter of this work was moved at twenty minute intervals, and therefore this piece is a challenge in resolution of an ever changing subject.

Sea Shells, 2017
Graphite on Cartridge Paper 59.8 x 42cm
At the heart of this work is the concept of memory and sentimentality. The prompt for this piece was to find something around your house, that you have kept with you that generally serves no purpose, and yet you can't seem to bring yourself to dispose of it. For me, it is my collection of seashells. Over the years since I was a child, I have had a strong connection to the sea, and, whenever I am on a beach, I search the sand for the most beautiful shells I can find, and I always make sure to take them back home with me.

Crow, 2020
Fine Tip Pen on Cartridge Paper 17 x 21cm
The crow is a creature of beauty and intelligence. This piece explores the way light interacts with the crows feather and becomes iridescent. Though the creature may be all black, it's deep and sombre feathers reflect the light surrounding it.

Still Life with Skull, Branch and Leaves, 2017
Charcoal on Cartridge Paper 59.4 x 42cm
This piece explores the world of Vanitas. This work represents the transience of life and the ultimate inevitability of death in the human experience. Flora and fauna behave in a much similar way, with decay and demise at the heart of its existence.

The Coat, 2017
Charcoal on Stonehenge Paper 57 x 76cm
This piece grasps the concept of light and shade, and movement. Light and shade is at the heart of art, as it is in life. This work explores the movement and the fluidity in drawing. Art is not just two-dimensional sketching's on a page - even though it is still it moves and dances around the page, jumping out at those who look at it.